General Information
Name of Company: PM Thoresen Asia Holdings Public Company Limited
Registration Number: 0107557000021
Date of Incorporation: 7 June 2013
Date of Conversion to
Public Company Limited:
4 February 2014
Type of Business: A holding company that invests 100% in registered and paid up capital of Baconco, a company that operate the agrochemical and factory management service in Vietnam. Also, the Company owns 100% of PM Thoresen Asia (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“PMTS”) that was incorporated to handle the raw material procurement to support Baconco’s agrochemical business.
Office Address: 26/26-27 Orakarn Building, 8th Floor, Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330
Telephone: +66 (0) 2250-0569
Registered Capital: Baht 1,012,000,000
Paid up Capital: Baht 1,012,000,000
Number of Issued Shares: 101,200,000 shares
Par Value: Baht 10